Saturday, June 29, 2019

There was magic in the Arena that night.

               Azure ambiance cascading from the rigging and along the edging of the stage sets the scene. The soft roar of chatter throughout the packed arena from fans of every generation, from 6 years old to 94. A single measure of music and one strum of a guitar, and the crowd erupts, and into the darkness, the arena falls. Bright lights and colors fill the rafters, lasers and technicolor become the dream that will last for hours here in the arena, but for those that witnessed it, forever.
                The spotlights zero in on a living legend, and the lovers in the audience begin to dance and hold one another. Not a single person stayed in their seats when he began to sing. Not one. I helped a woman in a wheelchair, stand herself up, just for a moment, so she too, could giving him a standing welcome. A career that has lasted decades, and helped shape music and musicians alike, needed no introduction. Every song he sang, was an invite for the festival goers to sing along. They knew the words by heart, and you could see the joy in his eyes and that of his band when they would fall silent and the crowd would give back to them.
                 He took them on a *Magical Mystery Tour and asked them to *Dance All Night. He gave them history, and his own history. He gave them peace and things to think about when they'd leave. He invited the hoards of people to take in the dream that he and his friends began so long ago. He gifted them music to sing as they walked out the door when it was all over. He rewards us all with Love. He was joined by other rock legends and sang songs that everyone couldn't resist. Ladies still fainted for him, and fans still asked inappropriate questions to him on signs and banners, which he delighted in. There was magic in the arena that night.

                  In the days and hours leading up to the show, the arena would be transformed into the setting that would become his expression of that love for all those that joined him each night he stayed. The stagehands, and arena staff, the roadies and the tour staff all in an alliance to create his masterpiece. The halls would fill with the smell of sage and lemongrass, and fresh vegetables being grilled and set for those that were working to feast on. Mojo curtains and thank you notes from fans being hung in talent rooms and open doors for the band to enter freely through.
                  Everyone was kind. Everyone was inquisitive. They gave thanks to each other in the hallways and corridors. For three days, those of us working at the arena was not working for a client, we were working with friends that we just met. The band would pat our shoulders and Paul would even say good afternoon or good evening as he passed us on his trek from start to finish. Somehow, in all his time with us, he was able to keep a bit of himself and stay humble enough to give thanks back to those that helped to give to everyone else.
                   The mutual respect given by all parties made for a delightful experience and I hope that everyone gets the chance to feel what that's like someday. He is a Rock God, by all standards, but he was a simple man, blowing a kiss to his wife in the back of the audience at the same time. There is nothing like seeing a living legend in action. There was magic in the arena in all those days.

Saturday, June 8, 2019


When it is there, you know it is. There is nothing like it. This is short and sweet, The poem attached from youtube, by Mary Lambert, said it all. 

Inspirations of Monterey California

Day1 and 2:
The Pacific briskly kisses my feet as I walk along the shore excited about what this day will bring. I look forward to the laughter of the gulls, the playful sea otters and the boisterous yellings of the wild and wise sea lions. I have been told to wear my wetsuit and full gear because these waters are cold and do have sharks, whales, and dolphins. The things that would have been, and will be eventually next time. I've always wondered why they make wet suits all black, if they were stripped, sharks would never attack people...sharks don't like striped knowledge, sharks hate sea snakes. (TRY SAYING THAT SUPER FAST: Sharks hate sea snakes)

The seaside air smells of coffee, cedar fireplaces, and ocean breeze. The scent of seaweed and fish linger along the wharf and cannery row. The homeless folks of the town gather in their morning place with hopes of coffee and beer from the tourists as they pass by. Still a smile on their face for their comrades along the barrack side of the old customs museum house. No worries in this little seaside town. It's calm and beautiful, even when it's raining.

I'm sitting on the wharf at a small tea shop, drinking in the lavender sage tea homegrown here on California's coastline. The sensation of natural honey and herbs fill the air and my tongue and nostrils with every taste and breath in. The water runs softly with a calming ripple along with the inner core of the beachline, gently caressing the shore and kissing the boats as the ripples then drift back out to sea. There are seals and dolphins playing in the distance, it's a unique morning and a very igniting sight indeed. I'm caught between childhood memories of my early moments by the sea, and the hopeful dreams of my own tea shop and boutique someday, with lavender growing next to the front steps and warm arms that will greet me in the morning before the day ever begins. 

The sailboats and fishing trollies begin to leave the docks and head out to begin their days on the smooth waves as the sun begins to Caress the Pacific with her smile.

The best recommendation is a two-day ticket to the aquarium because You are certain to miss something on the 1st day.

Day 3 and 4:

Day 3, I spent the day seaside, I gathered a jar of sand for my beach collection, and seashells and sea glass, my gifts from mother ocean...she was kind today. The sun has shown most of the day and the sea air made me feel free. The freedom I don't always feel. I walked around the city and took photographs to preserve my memories of this beautiful seaside town. I would live here in an instant. I love California, I always have. 

Day 4:

My adventure today has been postponed, but not erased...strike that, It ended up canceled due to weather. Bummer...for next time instead, positive thoughts!!!! I would have been kayaking on the ocean, my greatest love. I would see the coastline as sailors do and enjoy the wildlife. 

I hear Louis Armstrong sing "What a wonderful world" from a speaker near the wharf. What a perfect song for this perfect morning. I have love in my life today, and it is wonderful to know it's there. I can't wait for what life will bring us.