Saturday, January 26, 2019

The Social Experiment

THIS IS VULGAR AND RUDE And angry, you've been warned.
                   So, why conform? Why do it? Only dull, conformists do nothing. I am not meant to blend in, nor do I wish to. 

                   I am consumed in anger this day. I did not need this anger, and I plan to write it right out of my system right now!
                   So, here we are, chilling at the local IKEA, getting breakfast, and sadly the IKEA has become one of our regular haunts, so much so that some of my friends have started joking that this is our big blue mansion. Now, please note, that when we add up all the receipts of purchases made at this exact IKEA since our homeless reign began 4 months ago, we have spent approximately $680.00 between bedding, storage gear and food. Just make note of that. I KEEP MY DAMN RECIEPTS BITCHES!!!! Challenge me, I dare you, I will take this shit to court! Having been an employee of IKEA, I know some of their dirty secrets and guess what, their treatment of people is very sad. Now, for the most part, my family and I do not LOOK homeless, and unless we state that we are to you, you wouldn't know it. We shower and wear clean clothes, go to work still and take care of our business, its just a great deal more complicated now. But back to the story...

                   IKEA, sells pizza in its smaller café, note this too, with your IKEA card you can buy a large cheese pie for $7, its decent actually, but apparently the people upstairs in the main restaurant are unaware of the fact that IKEA sells pizza. So a few days ago, while I was at work, the managers started harassing my family about having a pizza in the main restaurant and into today as well. I was just buying 4 breakfasts, and coffees and while in line the store manager came over and harassed my family yet again about "having outside food" but when we explained the pizza was from downstairs, in their own café... its like a wall showed up. I just bought us breakfast and they are harassing us. They are stupid because EVERY PURCHASE MADE ON YOUR IKEA CARD IS REGISTERED! so every purchase has a record for up to or longer than 1 full year. They are judging us for being homeless even though we are paying customers. I so tired of being judge by people. FUCK ALL OF YA'LL that think you are better than your fellow brother or sister next to you, if you don't know WHY, WHAT, WHERE AND HOW shit went down then you don't have a right to judge people on their circumstances. It's assholes like you that make people get so low they decide death is better. YOU SHOULD NEVER HIT A PERSON WHEN THEY ARE ALREADY DOWN, fake ass Christians and do gooders….especially when people are trying o get back up, we aren't drug users, we aren't alcoholics, we aren't exactly poor...we just don't have enough to get back into a place yet. I HAD CANCER, WE LOST EVERYTHING. That's the end of the damn story...real simple. 

I AM GONNA GO LISTEN TO HAMILTON AND GET INSPIRED. I need to chill and have a good cuppa.

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