Monday, December 24, 2018


"Here are a few of my favorite things"

* Young children laughing, at everything.
*Brownies, they are one of my vices.
* When my dog gets so happy,  she actually smiles.
* Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing.
*Musicals, and Theatre.
* A Good read.
*Dancing, for any reason .
*Singing with my bestfriend...I miss her.
*Whiskey with Oj.
*when my mom's car starts...
*Tea time with friends.
*Golden Knights Games!!! I haven't loved Hockey this much in years. Not since I was the only girl on the Crested Butte Hockey team.
*Riding a bike.
*The smell of fresh cut wood...
*Getting wild in nature.
*running my hands along the water while kayaking.
*Petting sharks...TOTALLY worth it.
*Holding hands with someone you love, even if they don't realize how much you care for them.
*stories from the past.
*a great film
*Winning the lottery...still working on
*The sound of wind rustling through trees.
*Neon lights
*memories, and to those being made.
*my kids being proud of themselves.
*my mom laughing.
*my dad saying "I love you"
*kissing The guy I like...
*Horror movies and Xmas love stories.
*Lady bugs, Cala lilies,  and daffodils.
*my birds
*window shopping at I want my ELTON
*The scent of a man ... or a woman...depends.
*Steam rooms.
*laughing with old friends.
*getting into mischief with new ones.
*this list could go on and on....
****but best of all,  on this Christmas Eve, being told that I am officially CANCER FREE****

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