Friday, January 4, 2019

In Collaboration

It's a funny thing when you try to write about yourself, it's a challenge. One often wants to see themselves one way and hates the reality of who they really are in the eyes of others, let alone the person in the mirror. So recently my dear friend Phil stepped in to be my antics writer, and to be fair, there are very few out in this world that know me as well as this guy, so who better to tell my stories, slightly more exaggerated than reality but in a fashion that certainly will tell my stories for the world to be entertained by. I have one of the wildest and most fulfilled lives. NO REGRETS, no matter rough it has gotten, especially recently. 
I have always gone down the road less travelled and if someone started the story off with "This may be a bad idea", well, I was always in. 

"Skydiving??? I'm gonna pee my pants, and probably cry, but okay, let's go flying!"

I tend to get myself into some strange situations on a regular basis, and I tend to get myself into trouble as often as possible. Not always for the wrong reasons. I do not and never will fear change. In fact I seek it like a gypsy soul travelling through time. 
Much like my Chinese Zodiac sign The Goat {Ram}, which directly states I often get off on the wrong foot with people, I tend to suffer foot in mouth issues on a regular interval ... but those that stick around will find, I am a loyal and loving soul who will never fail you. 
I do not always go about things in the common sense way, or even more rarely, the grounded in reality way, but I will always get the job done, and much like my Sisters in Xanadu, I am a MUSE, and I will show you the magic of the world. I hold a great deal of it in my heart. I radiate effectiveness when at my best and can concur ANY challenge I decide to set forth upon. 

Now, that being said, I do tend to travel rough and rugged roads to get places, but I like to stand out and be seen for what I am grand at. I think it is better to see the world as a child does, than as an adult. Adults too often forget to just stop and look at the world. Life gets in the way. 
With my current circumstance, being homeless and on an extremely high level of emotional overload, have often found myself in this exact issue. I think too much, too often and am being stuck in the adult world too long. Sometimes you just need to jump on the trampoline and get shit out of your system. 

One thing I have noticed and has brought extreme levels of serenity to me, even in these cold homeless days have been the sunrise. The sunrise in the dessert is something to truly be enjoyed over a cup of tea, and to just sit back and enjoy. It is easy to forget the world when you are watching hot air balloons rising into the early morning skies over Red Rock Canyon or Mt. Charleston. The sun highlighting all the deep levels and hues, and the brilliant designs in the rocks , as the canyon slowly unveils itself to the sun, the majestic balloons of multiple rainbows towering in the sky with no worries to be heard. As the stillness of the city is barely waking with slow growing blankets of business goers and casino workers as they scurry to and from their perspective locales.
 Life is easy in the mornings, when the world just starts to rise here.

(Like most writers, I have lost my train of thought...I will come back to this one someday and continue this rhetoric, but until then, I hope those that do read this, should maybe take a moment themselves, to just go outside, no matter the weather, and just be silent , listen to the wind, smell the outdoors, hear the sounds that surround you...its beautiful out there.)

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